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Ways To Recycle Your Old Content

By Kelly Culver


In the world of small business and one man bands, it is often hard to keep finding new content to keep your audience engaged. But never fear, I’m here to tell you how to make the most out of your content.


With old videos that you have, why not make a quick promotional video? You can slice up your old how to’s and make a shorter video, just add some music and funky text and you’re good to go! (Okay, not quite it does take more skills than that) Windows Movie Maker is an easy, simple way to make them but for a more polished look, why not try VideoPad ? Old images can also go into your videos, as well as using podcasts as a voiceover.


Not enough people create presentations yet it is such a powerful resource. After public speaking, you should always make a slideshow available to the attendees, however, if you don’t do public speaking, it is still worthwhile to create one. Those stock images you have paid for and have only used once? Search through them and use them in your presentations, you may as well get the most for your money. Use old content to create informative presentations for your audience, it’s presented in a different way and you can always put in a little time to expand on the content in it. When you’re done, just pop it on SlideShare and you’re good to go!



Blogs are one of the easiest pieces of content to recycle, especially when you have written any on the same subject. Putting them all together and creating and eBook or Whitepaper is a great way to attract a different audience and a good way to generate leads (Especially when you use Virally, just saying!). You may need to do a bit editing to make them flow seamlessly together, but it usually requires minimal effort and eBooks give an image of professionalism around a company. If you have a lot of blogs, or even feel like expanding a lot, you may even be able to charge a small fee for your eBook on Amazon.



I know I mentioned pictures in the Videos and Presentation parts of this, however, there are still even more ways to recycle old pictures. PicMonkey has a great way to use overlays (which you can change the background with) to give a new fresh look to your pictures. You can use them for promotional purposes or even on your blogs again. Why only use these images once? If you take pictures of the work you’ve done, they make a great Social Media post on their own. It reminds people of the quality work you can produce. Changing them up a little bit by changing the background or putting them into a collage (There’s plenty of apps that are free on your smartphone, so you have no excuse not to collage!)

If you have forked out for stock images then surely you don’t want to see them going to waste. Depending on the website you brought them from, editing should be allowed but always check with the vendor first.