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Time management

5 Easy Tips for Better Time Management


We’ve all heard that saying “work smarter, not harder” but people love to say this catchy phrase without telling you how to do it, exactly. Do you reckon they know how to work smarter? Anyway, let’s forget about them because you’re about to find out how. I’m about to tell you 5 easy tips that will improve your time management and enable you to work smarter, not harder. Let’s get started!

1. Set Goals

Setting goals are great! Us humans love to feel like we’re achieving something. And we are! But, how do you know you’ve made a success of something if it wasn’t a goal? Pretty hard, right? So, a quick and easy way to get started is to set SMART goals. SMART is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Let me give you an example; I love examples by the way.


Specific: Write and publish 4 blogs on management and personal development.
Measurable: When I publish them.
Achievable: Computer, check.
Relevant: Yes, SEK Training has new management and personal development training courses.
Time Bound: Four weeks.

It sounds easy, doesn’t it? It sure is easy to do to. Now, you can test if this little tactic helps me. Check out my blog posts over the next few weeks.



SEK Management Development Courses can be found here 

SEK Personal Development training courses can be found here


Blog by :

Nick Holmes

Marketing Officer

Social Enterprise Kent