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SB Marketing

Top 5 Marketing Musts for Small Businesses

Is 2023 the year that your marketing is going to make you proud, transform your business and leave
your competitors following you? I hope so! If you have decided that 2023 is the year to shake up
your marketing then read these 5 Top Marketing Musts and get started today.

  1. Be Social Proof
    Ensure your brand is totally and utterly ‘Social Proof’. This means that all of your online
    activity is up to date, aligned and working. Make sure your website is up to date (this
    includes having a quick SEO audit to make sure all plus-ins, updates, tags etc. are set up and
    working). Make sure your social media platforms and Google My Business are all to date
    with correct contact details, latest content, products, offers and testimonials. Post and share
    happy customer content where possible to set the tone for your brand. Lastly be consistent,
    be on-brand and be original with all that you do and say on and offline.
  2. Earn Trust
    Trust is a massive part of making someone part with their – or their businesses – hard
    earned cash. Brands need to build trust with their audience in order to get sales, encourage
    repeat sales, gain word of mouth recommendations and have online testimonials. According
    to 70% of consumers agree that brand trust is more
    important today than in the past, especially after the last very turbulent 2 years. But how to
    go gain trust I hear you ask? The ways to gain trust are simple. Be authentic and consistent
    with messaging, interacting with customers even before a purchase, from an enquiry to a
    social media post comment, always reply. As a brand put customers first and reward
  3. Personalise Everything
    Ever heard the phrase ‘People buy People’, well it’s true! This goes hand in hand with building
    trust. We are all human, we all like to be treated nicely, thought of and rewarded. We
    respond better to something that is personalised to us, from using our names rather than
    ‘Dear Sir’, to understanding our habits, likes and dislikes. With all of the data from online
    interactions it is getting easier for brands to personalise and interact on a different level.
  4. Use Your Data
    As per the points above, brands have access to so much more data these days from online
    channels to web enquiries. Brands need to harness this and target accordingly. If you don’t
    already have a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system in place then look at
    getting one set-up as soon as possible.
  5. E-Commerce Far and Wide: Having an e-commerce website is not enough in 2023. In
    order to really get the sales, look to sell across a myriad of platforms. From native shopping
    to 3 rd party apps, social media platforms to e-commerce sites, there is plenty of opportunity

out there. Set aside time and budget to research and trial suitable selling opportunities as well
as investing in your own platforms to ensure they are working as hard as possible.

A Blog by Tabitha Beasley The Marketing Associates