So, you’ve completed the recruitment process, you may have found your ideal candidate, now what??

A quick secret

Before we get on to that, I want to tell you a secret.  One that many managers don’t know.  One that may be a bit of a shock… ready???

You don’t have to select any of the candidates you’ve met!

I know!!!!  Many business leaders or hiring managers who have gone through a recruitment process, reach the last interview and think about who they’ve met, what skills they offered, what they’d bring to the company – the good ones, they also think about what the company can offer the candidate – it’s time to pick the best one, right?  No!  Not if you’re not convinced by any of them, not if they don’t excite you, make you think that you can’t wait to work with them.

Think of it this way – you are in the market for a new car – you have a family of six and like to get away for weekends into the outdoors for a bit of camping.  You have an idea of what you want so head on down to the local dealership to see what’s on offer.  All you see a sea of coupes and hatchbacks, so you explain your needs to the salesperson – they tell you about their one MPV which fits all the kids and camping equipment, you’re excited and then you see it and… it’s bright pink with purple spots!  Do you buy it or go for one of the coupes?  Neither right?  You’d go on with your search until you find something that suits your needs and you’ll look forward to driving.

The cost of recruiting can often be as expensive as buying a new car, either in recruiter fees and/or your time.  Why would you spend that money on someone who didn’t excite you?

Don’t hang around

Anyway, let’s assume you have found that perfect person to join your business.  Are you ready for them to start?

As we’ve already discussed, recruiting is a costly undertaking.  So, once you’ve found that ideal candidate, make sure they know!  Don’t play it cool, call them quickly and make them an offer.  Back it up with timely paperwork – get an offer in writing over to them asap.  As mentioned in my previous article, they are probably talking to other businesses too, so don’t hang around.  If they accept your offer, get the rest of the paperwork completed and a start date agreed.

Get ready

They’ve accepted your offer – hurrah!! – but are you ready for them to start?  Do you have a process in place for all new employees?

The internal onboarding process ranges from the logistical stuff like IT and a desk to ensuring they have an appropriate line manager*.  What training will they need from the off – systems, processes, clients, sector-related training?  Even small things like start times, who to call if late/sick, holiday booking process, where the kettle is, introductions, welcome email/lunch, health and safety/fire procedures etc etc etc – it’s a rather long list.

Does your business do reference checks, are security and/or credit checks required?  Who’s going to do that?  How long does it take?  Are you willing to run the risk of not doing this?  What about getting them added to all of your benefits packages (healthcare/pensions etc)?  Who does that?

All of this creates a good first impression, you want them there, you have taken the time to make them feel welcome.  I know companies, who weren’t ready for new starters, one even left them sitting in reception for nearly an hour on their first day – needless to say, they didn’t stay long.  Don’t be one of those!


* Manage your line managers!  Make sure you’ve picked the right people to take on this very important role.  They are your security to ensure a happy and productive workforce.  If you simply choose someone because they are senior enough to do it, you could be making a huge mistake which will jeopardise your entire business structure.  Look out for a future article on this.

I hope I haven’t put you off, but it’s a serious business and big responsibility to employ people.  In a competitive market, small businesses can find it hard to compete with the big boys and keep their staff.  Check back to see some things you can do to secure against this.

Need help with this?  Get in touch.

Contact: Maria Riley
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07787 582981

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