Linda Cloke and John Turner
Linda has been a business owner for many years and has worked in various business sectors including hospitality, construction, retail, media, events and professional services. Linda is passionate about business and keen to assist startups and SMEs develop and grow their business through networking.
Synergy Networking Events launched in October 2024 to provide businesses with the opportunity to promote their business to others without having to do
1. Public Speaking
2. Interrupt other people’s conversations
3. Do a pitch about their business
4. Feel uncomfortable
Synergy Networking Events provides a forum that generates opportunities, inspiration, idea sharing, building and strengthening relationships in a preplanned format that gives attendees confidence and icebreakers that encourage discussion.
John Turner has been an active member of the business community for many years, with extensive experience across a variety of industries. His passion for helping businesses thrive led to the creation of the Simply Business Club Networking Group, which is dedicated to supporting startups and SMEs in building meaningful connections and fostering growth.
Simply Business Club Networking Group offers a fresh approach to networking, providing a welcoming environment where attendees can:
Promote their business without the pressure of public speaking.
Engage in genuine conversations without interrupting others.
Connect with others without needing a polished business pitch.
Network comfortably and confidently.
Through carefully designed formats, Simply Business Club Networking Group encourages idea sharing, relationship building, and collaboration. It’s a space where businesses can grow together in a supportive and inspiring community