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3 C Words

The 3 ‘C’ words needed for today’s successful businesses

Cut-throat and Capitalist are two common words that audiences suggest when I ask them while speaking about my experiences in the international oil industry. But they are surprised to hear when I say “they have no place in the operational world of oil”.

Yes, shareholders want a return as does any business owner (don’t they?) but oil companies know the risks are high and other common ‘C’ words are more fundamental for success.

Here are 3 ‘C’ Words to concentrate on.


The first ‘C’ word at the centre of any business or industry is the Customer. Without a customer there is no business.  Knowing your Customer, their wants, their needs, how many, where they are, who they talk to, their expectations, their habits… are all key ingredients to making any business a success. Do you put Customers at the Centre of your business plan? If you do you’re brilliant as so few do! If you did it would change your whole approach to your business.


This ‘C’ word is at the core of any Joint Venture even in the apparent cut-throat world of oil! Although you may not think it, unless you do absolutely everything on your own you’re already in a Collaborative arrangement. Your printer, designer, web-host, accountant…. and your favourite restaurant where you thank your best customers… are all part of your team. Without Collaboration today, many businesses just wouldn’t exist.  If you are going to grow, look at who you’re Collaborating with already. Now ask, are you Collaborating from choice or necessity? From choice you will find a way you can work together – the proverbial and elusive win-win scenario. How do you think Collaborating from necessity will look in practice? Will there be mutual respect? If you see people networking a lot and not appearing to get anywhere… are they networkers you want?


The art of any good negotiation – Compromise. Look at any TV programme on house moving or refurbishment like ‘Location, Location, Location’ and the word compromise comes up in every sentence. We all know we need to compromise with limited resources at our fingertips, but do we know how? Good sales people will know if, how and when to ask the question “What do we need to do to get the deal?”

Like all things making business really work it boils down to the attitude of owner or the culture (yes another C Word) of the business. But don’t get hung up on culture as it’s just the sum of the dominant attitudes in the business.

So ask yourself if you’ve a culture that

  • puts the customer at the centre of the business
  • is collaborative by choice both in and outside the business
  • is prepared to compromise to get the right deal for all parties

As ever you have a choice – what’s yours?

All the best

Neville Gaunt

CEO Mind Fit