Business Bunker Radio

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Show 703

Part One – Business news, events and discussion

Part Two – Kirstie Skinner

22nd October 

Kirstie Skinner

Squiggle Consult

Throughout our lives most of us will need the assistance of a legal practitioner. 

Death isn’t something most of us want to talk about or think about. And why would we?
But what we DO want is for our loved ones to be looked after when we’re gone.

And yet, nearly half of us don’t have a will or even a plan for our estate when we die. It’s something many just don’t get round to – despite knowing that we should.

We understand just how much people struggle with this topic because I am in the business of will writing and estate planning. Helping people to organise their estate in the quickest and easiest way possible is exactly what we do at Squiggle. It is something we take seriously because we believe people need good advice in this area so they can take the decisions that will have the most impact when they are gone.

✓  You need to make a will
✓  You have or are looking to start a new business
✓  You are preparing to pass your business down to your family
✓  You have or are looking to start a family
✓  You would like to set up a Legacy Plan 
✓  You want to ensure your family is looked after in the event of your death 
✓  You are getting a divorce or separation‍

This is where Squiggle come in. All our advice comes with easy to understand terms and tailored, fixed fees, so clients know exactly how much their case will cost at each stage, for example a basic Will starts at £200. The process from start to finish is kept as simple and streamlined as possible. We meet with the client; choose the preferred option; draft documents for approval; sign, audit and register the final documents; and, if required, store the documents on behalf of the client.

As Estate Planning Consultants, we must follow the codes of conduct and service standards that are demanded of us. We ensure our clients have all the information available to them so they can consider every eventuality. Our job is to help our clients make the best decision for them and their loved ones.








Presented by   Paul Andrews & Jules Serkin