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Since 2017 SEK has been delivering the Let’s Get Working project. This project, led by Sussex Community Development Association (SCDA), in partnership SEK and RBLI, supports people with disabilities and long- term health conditions to access the labour market. .

Participants work with a dedicated Employment Support Advisor on a 1:1 basis to help them overcome their barriers. We upskill, train and develop individuals to enable them to become invaluable employees for a wide range of organisations.

We would love you to meet our participants and see for yourselves why employing disabled workers is such a great investment.

Many studies show that on average disabled employees are as productive as their non-disabled colleagues and sometimes more so. Disabled employees have less time off sick, fewer workplace accidents and stay with their employers longer, improving staff retention and saving money on recruitment and training. (source:

Showing a positive attitude towards disability fosters good relations with all staff and generally enhances your reputation as an employer.

Employing disabled people draws on a broader talent pool and creates a diverse workforce that more closely reflects your customer base and the local community.

Social Enterprise Kent has a pool of potential candidates that have been coached by our team and are ready to work for you!

A blog by Jess Bartindale [email protected] 07718 975 721