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PPC Blog

PPC – Is it right for your Business?

PPC, or pay-per-click, is an online advertising option whereby businesses can create bespoke ads and pay on a cost-per-click basis. Google Adwords is probably the most widely recognised PPC ad option and more and more businesses are including this type into their marketing strategies. But is PPC right for your business? The team over a Whitefish Marketing had a quick review…

Short answer…Yes! PPC works for all types of online businesses across different industries, however it’s important to understand the potential ROI this channel is likely to generate and whether you feel it’s worth the outlay.

In doing this, you need to ask what your goals are? By goals, we mean desired actions on your site by your targeted visitors from your ad campaign. If you are an ecommerce site, you may want users to purchase a product from your website. If you offer a service that can’t be paid for online, you might want a submission of a contact us form. These are conversion-type goals.

